

ExxonMobil has deployed substantial resources and is making significant progress in cleaning up the petroleum contamination under a portion of Greenpoint.

2023 Progress update


While surface oil spills can often be cleaned up quickly and efficiently using absorbent materials and vacuums, underground accumulations of petroleum product – such as the one in Greenpoint – are typically more difficult to reach and take much longer to recover.

ExxonMobil’s goal is to remediate the petroleum contamination stemming from our historical operations in Greenpoint as quickly and safely as possible. This includes recovery of product, treatment of water, and monitoring and addressing soil vapors.

To date, more than 13 million gallons of petroleum products have been recovered and 3.5 billion gallons of water have been treated. ExxonMobil is committed to conducting a thorough and effective recovery, and continues to assess on a regular basis ways to enhance and optimize its recovery operation.

Vapor testing

Vapor results

ExxonMobil regularly samples and evaluates subsurface soil vapors in Greenpoint in accordance with New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) guidance. Air vapor tests were conducted on 52 homes from January to March 2007. No evidence was found of petroleum vapor intrusion from the underground contamination in residential homes.

Results of the New York State Department of Health and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation vapor studies can be found in the Greenpoint Petroleum Remediation Project (Off-Site Plume Area) Vapor Intrusion/Indoor Air Sampling report and in the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Letter Health Consultation.


Product recovery - 1979 to present

  • ExxonMobil & Greenpoint

    ExxonMobil takes its environmental remediation responsibilities seriously. Our goal is the same as the community's – to remediate the petroleum contamination stemming from our historical operations in Greenpoint as quickly and safely as possible.
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    ExxonMobil  Greenpoint ExxonMobil  Greenpoint
  • Community programs

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  • Community news

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